姓名:林家昌 |
自我介紹: 我叫林家昌,出生於越南平陽省的一個華僑家庭。我 家裡一代接一代傳承的傳統產業是製作陶瓷。我本身也喜歡到處旅遊,特別在臺灣及東南亞的名勝古跡都很吸引我。 |
選擇本碩士學程理由: 來臺灣念中文之後,我認為臺灣是一個擁有多元文化的國家,在臺灣我有機會認識臺灣及東南亞朋友,所以我對臺灣文化及東南亞文化很有興趣,再加上大學時代我念商業管理系,具有關於經濟的知識,因此我認為東南亞學系碩士班就是正確的選擇。 |
學習目標: 進一步了解東南亞國家的經濟及文化,希望能認識很多朋友,而且能提高語言能力。 |
姓名:馬安雅 |
自我介紹: I grew up in rural Italy, my parents used to travel a lot especially to Indonesia and India so since I was young I developed an interest for foreign cultures and languages. I’m a nature and animals lover who enjoys spending time outside exploring local flora and fauna. During the years I’ve realized helping others either through my actions or my voice really makes me feel accomplished so recently I’ve become more keen on social rights. |
選擇本碩士學程理由: I’ve chosen Wenzao as I’ve previously been an exchange student there and deeply enjoy the overall atmosphere and quality of education provided. Moreover the opportunity given through the program of doing an internship or case study in a South East Asian country really sparked my interest. By attending this master program I’m hoping to be able to gain a better understanding of the Area while developing skills that will help me in my future career path.
學習目標: I’ve always wanted to study about South East Asia but in Europe there aren’t many chances and the field is seen as one without many professional opportunities, however after finally travelling to the region it is now clear to me that I should follow my passion for these countries and I’m ready to do so through this master program.
姓名:劉玉舒 |
自我介紹: 我是劉玉舒我來自泰國,也可以叫我Alin 就是泰國的名字。 |
選擇本碩士學程理由: 因為我對世界各國有興趣。我本身喜歡旅遊, |
學習目標: 在這裡我想要學到未來工作時,能跟不同的國家能融合一起工作, |