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國企系將開設1學分的微型課程。此課程內容會相當堅強:包括由中山大學服務學習的資深老師,規劃 3天的領袖Pilot課程有參加此微型課程的學生會是優先參加的對象。參加此課程的學生,日後會有機會擔任醫療志工,甚至於第二年參加榮總的國際醫療團隊到東南亞擔任國際醫療志工;也會有一部分同學進行外語衛教繪本的製作






2.周末授課(5) 3/174/145/125/26(7~9) & 6/9 (10~4pm)







本課程的設計理念為「行動導向學習」(Action-oriented Learning)-規劃服務學習融入專業商管課程,是緊扣「學習者為中心」的教學法。不僅透過規劃專業商管課程內容,以培育學生「硬實力」;也透過精心設計的服務學習課程方案與反思活動,引導學生思考個人的價值觀,提升個人學習的動機及成效,增強自信心、溝通技巧、表達能力、團隊精神及領導能力等「軟實力」。此培育學生「從做中學」(Learning by Doing )的商管專業服務學習課程,是連結以基本理論與相關應用為主軸的行銷專業課程,不僅提供學生在這當中有做中學、移地學習及跨領域團隊合作的機會,藉由社區服務的具體實踐及反思活動中,更可協助學生建構知識內化,進而提昇專業知能及應用。同時也協助學生成立自主學習的分組團隊,藉由執行各種活動,從『做中學,學中做』學會互相幫助與包容,學習如何發揮團隊力量,並可培養其獨立思考、實做與創造能力。期待學子們透過課程中特別設計的跨領域合作團隊及精心規劃的跨界服務學習行動方案,展現熱情與活力、盡情學習,以提昇自我效能(Self-efficacy),培養更積極的人生價值觀,回饋社會。

  本融入式服務學習課程運用服務學習六大步驟 (調查、準備、執行、反思、成果慶賀及延續)與合作社區群策群力互惠多贏。期盼學生以學習的心態來從事服務活動,藉由服務經驗,透過討論、思考反省等活動,促使學生強化教室內之專業知能課程學習,並期盼增進學習效能及提昇個人能力及公民能力,其中反思和互惠是本服務學習課程的核心關鍵。課程主要內容包括1.行銷的基本概念;醫療行銷的特質;市場區隔;服務學習概論等主題。2.「領導力溝通力」服務學習技能培訓:服務學習先備營。3.服務學習實做:學生將進行一個與行銷專業知能相關的社區服務計劃,並且完成至少18小時的社區服務方案,並針對學習經驗,呈現口頭及書面報告,展現出他們如何應用行銷專業知識於服務中,並加以反省。


Course Content

Based on “Action-oriented Learning”, the course incorporates the concepts and procedures of service learning ( into the professional business course, and adapts the “learner-centered” teaching approach.  It is expected to help students not only develop their professional “hard skills,” but also enhance students’“soft skills”, such as self-esteem, learning motivation and effectiveness, confidence, negotiation and communication skills, team work and leadership by carefully designed service-learning and reflection tasks.  The course emphasizes “learning by doing,” and provides students with plenty opportunities of field learning and Interdisciplinary learning.  Through a variety of community services and reflection process, the course can help students Internalize, develop and apply professional marketing knowledge as well as actively participating in community services and equipping their team work skills, critical thinking and creativity.  The ultimate goal is to enhance students’ active participation in learning, self-efficacy, and development of positive life values and attitudes by carefully designed Interdisciplinary learning service learning tasks.  The course content includes: 1. Introduction of marketing, characteristics of medical marketing, market segregation and service-learning; 2. “Leadership-Communication”service –learning training—USR Camp; 3. Service-earning tasks: guiding students to apply their professional marketing knowledge to carry-out minimally 18-hour community service projects, and conduct oral and written reports to present their accomplishments and reflections.



1 協助學生建構知識內化,提昇專業行銷知能及應用。

2 瞭解醫療行銷與一般營利導向的行銷管理之間的差異,進而能運用行銷管理的概念於醫療與公共衛生服務領域。

3 期望能從行銷管理的角度,瞭解社會大眾、病患及家屬對醫療服務的需求,增進學生對促進醫療、公共衛生服務方面的知識與能力。

4 培養提昇學生的協商、溝通、計畫與組織、自信與同理心等方面的表現。

5 增進團隊合作與培育領導力。



Course Objectives

The course aims to help students 

1. Internalize, develop and apply professional marketing knowledge ;

2. distinguish the differences between medical marketing and general profit-oriented marketing, and be able to apply marketing strategies in medical services;

3. understand the needs of the public, patients and their family to enhance students’ knowledge and abilities in medical services;

4. develop negotiation, communication, planning and organization skills as well as confidence and empathy

5. enhance their team work skills and leadership;

6. learn to actively participate in and contribute to community services, and to take their citizen responsibilities.

