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東南亞學系陳正娟老師泰語語檢衝刺班7月6日登場 Anthika Manowong, assistant professor in Southeast Asian Studies, started intensive Thai language classes on July 6.


The Department of Southeast Asia Studies was established in 2018, and the first batch of students will enter their junior year in September 2021. They are preparing to take a language proficiency test to assess their own learning progress after studying for two years.

In order to assist students to prepare for the test, teachers who teach Vietnamese, Indonesian, and Thai languages from the department arranged a 30-hour special intensive class during summer holidays, to help students in strengthening their learning. Additionally, to the guarantee fee, the classes consider free of charge if you attend the entire session, the fee is for the assessment test.


There were 14 students who attended the intensive Thai language class that covered revision of consonants, linking, nouns, verbs, etc.