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文藻東南亞國際學術研討會 線上、實體混合舉辦 與會學者大為讚賞 Scholars in attendance appreciated Wenzao ICSEAS’ hybrid presentation of online and on-site conference sessions.

2021文藻東南亞國際學術研討會(Wenzao ICSEAS)1022日舉辦,共有41篇論文由來自9國的57位學者、專家發表演講及研究成果。在新冠疫情影響下,各國政府對跨境移動有諸多管制,本次研討會特別採取實體、線上混合,現場口頭發表及直播、實體及線上海報論文發表等多種方式,積極營造學術研究傳播與學者交流的新型平臺。這樣的新型研討會方式成果豐碩,不僅現場參與的學者、專家和同學有169位,線上參與觀看直播的人數也高達155位。

        今年研討會主題「壓力下的東南亞:新冠肺炎、地緣政治與國內挑戰」,主題演講邀請到國立成功大學政治系教授洪敬富講演「新冠肺炎在東南亞:疫苗分配、地緣政治與形成中的中美新冷戰」。另外也由東南亞學系的學術夥伴「國際印尼研論壇」(International Indonesia Forum, IIF)邀請美國史丹佛大學傅利曼.史帕格里國際研究中心(Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies)資深研究員Donald Emmerson線上演講「全球化3.0: 國際與國內視角下的印尼」。


        今年接獲近60篇投稿,但各國跨境管制仍然嚴格,最後有27篇論文現場口頭發表,14篇線上海報論文發表。東南亞學系指出,口頭發表也安排FBYoutube直播;海報論文發表則採取線上和實體的混合,除將海報檔案置於研討會網頁上,也在會議現場架設大型電子看板,定時輪播海報論文,同時並將作者的影音說明和聯絡方式製成QR code,讀者掃描後即可聆聽或與作者聯繫,交換意見。

        文藻東南亞國際研討會後,主辦的東南亞學系都有專書出版計畫,今年別規劃「學術出版工作坊」,邀請科技部人文社會科學研究中心主任、臺大社會學系何明修教授、文藻《語言與國際研究》主編、英文系林文川教授,以及知名國際學術期刊《Bandung: the Journal of Global South》主編、英國巴斯大學(University of Bath)Pak-Non Wong教授線上出席,由學術期刊主編的觀點說明英文學術論文投稿、學術期刊評比等議題。


The 2021 Wenzao ICSEAS was held on October 22, with 41 papers presented by 57 scholars from nine countries. Due to the pandemic situation, we used hybrid presentation methods such as online, physical, live streaming, YouTube, Facebook and online poster presentations, to create a new platform for academic research. This novel approach was very successful, with 169 scholars, experts and students attending the conference, and 155 watching online.
The theme of this year's symposium “The Face of Southeast Asia in Stress: Covid-19, Geopolitics, and Domestic Challenges”. The organizer invited Professor Dr Chin-fu Hung from National Cheng Kung University, as the keynote speaker, to talk about “COVID-19 in Southeast Asia: Vaccine Distribution, Geopolitics, and the Emerging New US-China Cold War” in the conference. Futhermore, our partner from International Indonesia Forum (IIF) invited Donald Emmerson from Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University, to deliver the keynote speech online, “Globalization 3.0: Intermestic Indonesia”.

This year, we invited Prof. Ming-sho Ho from Department of Sociology, National Taiwan University; Prof. Richard Wen-Chuan Lin, Department of English, Wenzao Ursurline University of Languages; and Prof. Pak-Non Wong, Editor-in-Chief of Bandung: The Journal of Global South, University of Bath, to attend the workshop.

Professor Pak-Non Wong gave an online presentation to explain the issues of submitting English academic papers and evaluating academic journals from the perspective of the editors-in-chief of academic journals.


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