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東南亞咖啡館-羅景文老師分享「人物、刊物、文物來探討東南亞漢學研究」 Coffee Time with Southeast Asia – Associate Professor Ching-Wen Luo to talk about “People, Publication, Cultural Relics, for Southeast Asian’s Chinese Studies”


This is the first talk for the Coffee Time with Southeast Asia of the semester. We have invited Mr. Ching-Wen Luo, associate professor of the Department of Chinese Literature from National Sun Yat-sen University on 26 November 2021, to share about “People, Publication, Cultural Relics, for Southeast Asian’s Chinese Studies”. Luo has shared his ideas on how to advocate and develop academic research by using new materials, new perspectives, and new methods, especially in the relatively new field of Southeast Asian’s Chinese Studies. He also shared with the audience on how to search for relevant materials in the era of information explosion, how to gather and focus on issues, and how to comprehend the materials to achieve one’s research target.

Video link:
